

Vending system is a unique and necessary part of a prepayment metering solution that provides energy trading platform. different utilities around the world face different types of difficulties and challenges. like, collecting the money from the end user, high tamper, dealing with outstanding accounts or unpaid bills and avoid late payments, extending payment channels, protecting the investment of the utilities by providing an ultimate revenue collection system.

System Overview

Hexing vending system is a mature financial software platform assisting utilities to sell the energy via a token, manage prepayment meters and handle vending channels. our system has different interfaces based on structure, 3rd party systems like banking, e-Valet applications, billing or even MDM if any smart prepaid metering system is running over there. This system can integrate with existing (AMI), perform data analysis, failures, events, even exporting and importing data, setup a schedule reporting, readout data by creating a schedule or on demand reading, load profile, configuration for meters, and controlling those meters.

Key benefits

·    Improve the cash management by providing accurate balance sheet for the utilities.

·    Easy deploying of multi-tariff, support remote switching between STS and CTS and Time of use tariff configuration.

·    Interoperability and scalability STS standard open protocol.

·    Token management (clearing, emergency, tamper removal, reversal, etc.).

·    Managing multiple vending Channels, like POS, Retails… etc.  

Project value

·  遠程TOKEN下發,表計安裝位置遠離用戶的操作範圍,能有效防止竊電

·  程監測,有利於識別僵屍用戶

·  相比普通預付費,智能預付費係統獲得更頻繁的用電信息,幫助電力公司生成更詳細的賬目

·  支持遠程STS/CTS切換和TOU費率調整

·  用戶瀏覽界麵為終端用戶提供更加詳盡的用電信息

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